The interconnected nature of modern software results in a complex software
supply chain, encompassing various elements such as binaries, libraries, tools, and
microservices. These components are essential for contemporary software development
and are sourced from both open-source and proprietary channels. According to
(O’Donoghue, Reinhold, and Izurieta 2024), the software supply chain's complexity has
made it increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, presenting a significant threat. This
vulnerability is heightened by the extensive dependencies within a vendor’s product,
where a flaw in one component can affect multiple products. Furthermore, software
supply chains have vast attack surfaces, as weaknesses in external transitive
dependencies can compromise the integrity of the core system.
To combat these challenges, (O’Donoghue, Reinhold, and Izurieta 2024) identify
the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) as a promising tool. When combined with
appropriate analysis instruments, SBOMs can effectively identify and neutralize security
risks within software supply chains. In their study, they utilized Trivy and Grype—two
open-source tools—to scrutinize the security of 1,151 SBOMs collected from third-party
software repositories that vary in scope and size. Their investigation sought to
understand the prevalence and distribution of vulnerabilities within these SBOMs and
identify which software components are most at risk. Their findings underscore the
looming danger of supply chain vulnerabilities in software and advocate for the
effectiveness of utilizing SBOMs to reinforce software supply chain security.